How It Works
With your permission, our Sales Representative leaves a display box full of crisps, chocolate bars and drinks in your office, canteen, or reception area. Each item is only € 1.20. You just choose your favourite snacks and pay for them by placing money in the Honesty Box provided.
A Snack Basket Rep regularly visits you to replenish the box and collect the money.
Our customer base is constantly expanding and ranges from small offices and shops to large corporations.
By choosing our products, you are helping to raise much needed funds for one of Ireland ’s best-known charities- Make-a-Wish® Ireland.
We strongly believe in the importance of providing a wide range of products whilst ensuring their highest quality. We source our sweets from the industry’s leading producers and wholesalers to fill our boxes with some of the best-selling brands, such as Cadbury®, Nestle®, or Coca-Cola®.
Dear Customers
Unfortunately, due to continuing increases in the price of chocolate in the marketplace,
the price of all products in our Honesty Snack Boxes has now increased to € 1.20.
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to delivering goodies to your workplace in 2018 and going forwards.

Available Now!
Healthy Honesty Snack Boxes With Healthy Alternatives To Traditional Office Snacks!